Thursday, January 27, 2011

Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day!

A little late but I think thats ok.

Ian (my cousin) and I had a pretty big Aussie Day BBQ. There were vegemite sandwiches, fairy bread, Tim Tams, Crownies, far too much meat, potato salad, an Aussie flag and backyard cricket (although this was played in the drive way). We both had a little too much to drink and spent the next day in (seperate) beds... all day!

This was the end result... the last four men and woman standing. I have no idea when this was taken or why I got the camera and the tripod out or how I managed to be able to attach it to the tripod and get the timer working. Looks like we were having a ball though :)

Thanks to all my (and Ian's) beautiful friends that could make it and to all those that couldn't, well there is always my birthday...

Monday, January 24, 2011

The furry family

Good morning!

Well today I am heading out to view the portraits that were taken of my largest fur babies, Greta and Boris. They are going to feature in a book, Off the Leash 2, which is for charity and in December we met our photographer at Edinborough Gardens in North Fitzroy. We had a little incident with Boris and another dog before the shoot, completly not Boris's fault (for a change), but it put me on edge which isnt good for giving comands... dogs pick up on your unease and if you give them an inch they take a MILE! Anyway they took me by surprise and did whatever I said, posed, primped, ran and smiled on comand and completely off lead. I had them eating out of the palm of my hand and I couldn't have been prouder. The photographer was super impressed and quickly fell in love with them both.

Below are some photos I have taken of my fur family. Herbert is first, and will always be number one to me. He is 11 and the best friend a girl could have. He has moved with my around 6 times, been on a plane twice, lost his sister and a dad, gained a sister (very tough times) and now a brother and through all of this has stood by me. I love him!

Next is Greta. She and I have a very special bond. She knows when something is wrong with me and I with her. She has the most amazing eyes that I sometimes feel she can look into my soul with. I picked Greta up two months after the death of my partner. We had decided to get a German Shorthaired Pointer but he wanted to wait until he returned from working overseas, so the puppy wouldnt bond with me first... he didnt make it back so I picked her up just the same and we have been inseperable ever since. I honestly believe she is the link between us and when I am struggling I talk with her and he hears me. Sounds crazy I know but if you met Greta I think you would understand.

And lastly but not least (if he has anything to do with it) is Boris. I have had Boris about 18 months. He is a rescue dog and was in hideous condition when I picked him up. He has many problems, he is a close talker, he doesnt like some dogs (golden retriever and boxer being two most hated), and he is learning impaired... this is getting better with much work. Sometimes I think he has asbergers diesease as he is very very smart but he doesn't know how to act with people or dogs, he can't get the smarts out! He loves Greta with all his heart, sometimes too much and he loves me just the same. I couldn't be without him now, even his many and hard to deal with problems :) This picture is the day I brought him home, its difficult to tell but he was around 15kg underweight, missing fur, scaby and very very scared.

This is them now!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day one... take one

Hello, hmmm, ok well I haven't done this before so it's all a tad exciting and a touch confusing...

I guess I shall start with a little about myself. I have been studying for a new career for the last 5 years. Previously I was in hospitality management (restaurants) and recruitment (bad idea) but now I am now a fully fledge conservation biologist and will recieve my degree in April. I have decided to pursue further study and am now in my honours year at a university in Melbourne, Australia and my project is very exciting indeed!

I am hoping to share my experiences in volunteering (which I do a lot of) and in study and hope to show everyone how beautiful our country and our wildlife is.

I gave up my camera a few months back and so have no recent photos to add today so instead I will endevour to show a few things that I have done over the last few years. Oh and from today, the camera is back in my pack!

So I hope you will come back again as I have at least one very interesting adventure in the works in the very near future!