Thursday, January 27, 2011

Australia Day!

Happy Australia Day!

A little late but I think thats ok.

Ian (my cousin) and I had a pretty big Aussie Day BBQ. There were vegemite sandwiches, fairy bread, Tim Tams, Crownies, far too much meat, potato salad, an Aussie flag and backyard cricket (although this was played in the drive way). We both had a little too much to drink and spent the next day in (seperate) beds... all day!

This was the end result... the last four men and woman standing. I have no idea when this was taken or why I got the camera and the tripod out or how I managed to be able to attach it to the tripod and get the timer working. Looks like we were having a ball though :)

Thanks to all my (and Ian's) beautiful friends that could make it and to all those that couldn't, well there is always my birthday...

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